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» trade rams and raiders need approval
Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty25/01/10, 09:21 pm by Admin

» i need a qb
Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty23/01/10, 03:19 pm by redraider3381

» Waiting List
Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty23/01/10, 02:27 am by pistolpete01

» trade 111111
Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty20/01/10, 11:06 pm by killa39

» TRADE - Dallas Clark and Mike Mckenzie
Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty19/01/10, 08:01 pm by killa39

» texans/raiders week 4
Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty18/01/10, 05:10 pm by redraider3381

Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty18/01/10, 08:51 am by Anthony_paniagua

» Trade Bait (I am the Niners)
Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty17/01/10, 10:11 am by DGreenjeans420

» trade with bengals.....he offered trade
Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty16/01/10, 09:00 pm by Admin

Successful Draft
Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty03/01/10, 10:42 pm by Admin
I want to thank everyone who made it to the draft to night it went very well had some good picks and some questionable picks.... and who ever took sproles i pretty much hate u im playing...

we had 25 people show up for the draft tonight by far the most ive seen since ive been in a franchise....this is good for us...let keep making this one of the best franchise in the madden world....

Comments: 4
Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty01/01/10, 01:10 pm by Admin
The Draft has been chosen

Sunday 1/3/2010 8pm USA eastern there or set your draft board

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 Week 2 Fins/Colts

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Posts : 26
Join date : 2009-12-31

Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty
PostSubject: Week 2 Fins/Colts   Week 2 Fins/Colts Empty11/01/10, 02:13 pm

can you simulate it??

we tried multiple times to play yesterday and couldnt establish a connection...we agreed to sim...sorry for the inconvenience, im just pissed cause i really wanna fucken play haha
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Week 2 Fins/Colts
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