if u want to ask me why we have a certain rule and want a legit answer or would like to change a rule come here and ask away
The first rule i want to address is trades...
As you can see we all have very different types of playing styles ... some like power back some mid 70's wr with blazing speed, and some of us like 6'5 wr with 99 jump
with that be side i would like u to note how many people have either quit or been booted from the franchise due to lack or communication not playing their games or not following the rules...
I as the commish am the only one guaranteed to be here from start to finished so it is my job to make try my hardest to make sure teams stay pretty balanced
meaning i cant let u trade away all your good players just becuz you like to play with another player becuz if u quit and ur team is un-usable for the next owner then he will quit and it will be an on going chain...
so yes u must agree to the trade first but i have the final say on if it happens... i dont want anyone to think im a asshole but im just tryin to do what is best for the franchise ....
Skyes already know im not going to let him have 5 starting running backs on his team becuz it is unrealistic no team , beside cowboys, has more then 3 rbs over 80
welp if u have any other question ask away